
Showing posts from July, 2023

Social Listening and Blizzard Entertainment

I have always enjoyed watching friends play video games but rarely found ones that I wanted to play myself. When I found Diablo, it was as a game that I was interested in watching an ex-boyfriend play and something I thought he might enjoy. Boy, was I mistaken, the game wasn’t his type of gameplay, but it somehow drew me in and had me playing for hours at a time both as a single player and online. Time moved on just like I did with that relationship, and I met a guy who had more in common with me than just my love of sci-fi and Pokémon Go, we bonded together over playing the game Diablo 3 and would play and talk for hours together. When I heard that Blizzard Entertainment was developing a new game (Diablo 4) I knew it was going to be another game we got to bond together over, this time as husband and wife. Blizzard Entertainment is known for building communities and taking the gaming experience to the next level, on their website you can get a sense of who they are, under WHAT WE STA

Marketing in the News: Budweiser

When thinking about sports and beer what comes to mind? For me I think of Budweiser which is served in many Major League Baseball Stadiums and is crowned “The King of Beers”. I recently saw an ad for Budweiser partnering with Ken Griffey Jr. offering merchandise that brings “The Kid” and Budweiser together. Initially I was interested in the article that featured the advertisement solely because I am a huge Ken Griffey Jr fan and there is some nostalgia associated with his brand. Upon further digging I found out that this isn’t the first time this year they have worked together. For Father’s Day Budweiser had a heartwarming commercial showcasing a Ken Griffey Jr and his dad. Budweiser seems to be striking out according to an article in Newsweek that peaked my interest, , it highlights the backlash the beer company has been receiving over a controversial partnership earlier this year. The article seems to focus more on the controversy of the partnership with a Trans influencer than th